Pequeña Gramatica Neogriega (Spanish translation)


M. Triandafylidis

ISBN 960-231-071-5

Edition: 1994

Pages: xvi + 275


As part of its series on the teaching of Modern Greek as a second language, the Institute of Modern Greek Studies has published a number of translations of M. Triandaphyllidis’ Concise Grammar of Modern Greek into various languages. These translations include all the additions and modifications made in the school grammar of the Schoolbook Publishing Organization.

Most of the translators are academics and native speakers of the language into which the book has been translated.

Full title Pequeña Gramatica Neogriega (Spanish translation)
Author M. Triandafylidis
Editing / Translation C. Méndez (transl.)
Edition 1994
ISBN 960-231-071-5
pages xvi + 275
Size 17x24
Weight 0,514
Binding Paperback