7th Thessaloniki International Bookfair

April 22th-25th, 2010
Pavilions 13 and 15, Helexpo, Thessaloniki

The Institute of Modern Greek Studies participated in the 7th Thessaloniki International Bookfair, which was held from 22 until 25 April 2010, on the Helexpo premises in Thessaloniki.

Two book presentations were organized on April 23rd.

In the first one, under the title "The Institute's latest publications", the following presentations were made:

A. Loudi, associate of the Institute: "The Institute and Modern Greek philology". Dr. Loudi presented the Institute's publications regarding Modern Greek literature.

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G. Papanastassiou, Director of the Institute: "The Institute's latest linguistics publications". Professor Papanastassiou presented the new book by G. Veloudis, Professor of Linguistics at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, entitled 'Of the semantics of the Greek language: aspects of epistemic modality'.


P. Politis, Assistant Professor at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, who referred to the Institute's publication entitled "The discourse of the mass media: the Greek paradigm".


G. Papanastassiou, Director of the Institute, who referred to his book entitled "Modern Greek orthography: history, theory, practice".


In the second presentation, under the title "Archaiognosia and Archaioglossia in Secondary Education" the following speakers presented some of the Institute’s recent as well as forthcoming publications:

D. N. Maronitis, Emeritus Professor at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, presented the six books in the Institute's series "Archaiognosia and Archaioglossia in Secondary Education" which have been published to date.

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S. Rangos, Assistant Professor at the University of Patras, presented D. Kyrtatas & S. Rangos' book "Greek Antiquity: war-politics-culture".

A. Voutira, Professor at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, referred to the Institute's forthcoming publication "Ancient Greek art" by Emm. Voutiras & A. Voutira.
